Tag Archives: Miles Davis

Listen like a president – day and night

@POTUS (The President Of The United States) President Obama announced today 14 August 2015 via Twitter his favorite summer songs, one for the day another one for the night.

President Obama announcing Playlist on Twitter

President Obama announcing Playlist on Twitter

Here are the two playlist’s:

One for the day:


And one for the night:


10 more Quotes from the Big World of Music for the Rest of the World – Music Thinking Quotes Vol. 2

This is volume 2 of Music Thinking Quotes.

For quite some time I am collecting quotes that have a connection with what I call Music Thinking (more about Music Thinking click here).
At the same time I am working on a more systematic way to collect and combine music thinking principles. I am working now with 6 principles of music thinking: agility, empathy, personality, jammin’, score and remix.
More about that in a later post. (still has to come 😉

Here are 10 more quotes of more or less famous people with a music thinking connection. Hope you like it.

You can also find the presentation on SlideShare (download enabled).

10 Quotes from the big world of music – Music Thinking Quotes Vol. 1

For quite some time I am collecting quotes that have a connection with what I call Music Thinking (more about Music Thinking click here). At the same time I am working on a more systematic way to collect and combine music thinking principles. I am working now with 6 principles of music thinking: agility, empathy, personality, jammin’, score and remix. More about that in a later post.

Here are 10 quotes of more or less famous people with a music thinking connection. Hope you like it.

Dance first. Think later.  It's the natural order. One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz. If you aren't making a mistake, it's a mistake. I HAVEN’T UNDERSTOOD A BAR OF MUSIC IN MY LIFE, BUT I HAVE FELT IT. THE WORDS ARE THE IMPORTANT THING. DON’T WORRY ABOUT TUNES. TAKE A TUNE, SING HIGH WHEN THEY SING LOW, SING FAST WHEN THEY SING SLOW, AND YOU’VE GOT A NEW TUNE. ONE GOOD THING ABOUT MUSIC, WHEN IT HITS YOU, YOU FEEL NO PAIN. Songs are pretty easy. They are small, they are modular, they are about as big as a bagel. I prepare myself for rehearsals like I would for marriage. The best guide, in launching a new design project, is sometimes just to choose the right partner, clear the dancefloor, and trust our intuition. There is joy in repetition.



You can also find the presentation on SlideShare (download enabled).

A Music Thinking Week

Last week was a week full of Music Thinking for me.

A new microsite about Music Thinking was launched, I had the pleasure to do a 20×20 (formerly known as pecha kucha) presentation in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) about My Inspirations and Music Thinking and a presentation about the Company Real Score  / Die Firmenpartitur  the strategy-framework  for business innovation with a music thinking approach two days later in Cologne (Germany). Looks like there is some kind of momentum for strategic inspirations from the big world of music.

Christof Zürn talking about Music Thinking

Christof Zürn talking about Music Thinking at Nijmegen NOP 20×20

My intentions were:

  • to make people aware that there are many interesting findings behind the obvious side of music and that there are rich patterns of inspiration that can be used for business or private use
  • to encourage people to use the hashtag #musicthinking for tweets they find interesting in the context of music thinking
  • to find partners, clients, ‘co-thinkers’ and evangelists
  • to promote my framework for ‘brand minded & people centered strategy’ called The Company Real Score or in German Die Firmenpartitur

Here are the slides of the 20×20 to give you an impression of my ‘6 Minutes and 40 Seconds of fame’, unfortunately there is no footage.

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If you are interested in Music Thinking please go to the microsite and drop me a note. I would also be happy to talk about Music Thinking on a seminar, conference or to use it in a strategy session or project.


Quality, innovation, collaboration, inspiration. Have a look into 1959.

How inspiring is it to look backwards? It depends on what you are looking for. If you have some time and you want to relax, have a look into the year 1959. For me it is a lesson in starting things up, quality, innovation, collaboration and for sure inspiration.

America was on the brink of great social and political change. Integration, Vietnam, the Cuban Missile Crisis — they were all coming around the bend, and sometimes figures like Mingus and Coleman commented musically on these events. But it was also a pivotal year for jazz. Musicians started moving away from bebop, exploring new, experimental forms and collaborations. Four absolutely masterpieces were recorded that year: 

If you (don’t) like Jazz you should watch this approx. 60 minutes documentary:  1959: The Year that Changed Jazz. And if you want you can see the musicians as coworkers, the albums as projects or start ups, enjoy!