Category Archives: Music Thinking

New Book: The Power of Music Thinking

The Power of Music Thinking by Christof Zürn

A new book about leadership & followership and how to connect co-creativity, service design and organisational change – for individuals, teams or organisations.

More about the book on the music thinking website

Here are some pictures from the official book presentation at The Store by BIS Publishers in Amsterdam. The book is available worldwide via your favourite bookseller.

Author of The Power of Music Thinking Christof Zürn with his family - the girl group.

For an interview and a few video explanations about the book during the presentation switch over to the music thinking site and the Q&A section, with answers to questions like, why is there a T-shirt on the cover, what is music thinking, …

The Power of Music Thinking – Podcast

The Power of Music Thinking with Christof Zürn a new podcast coming to you on 19th of May 2021 on Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to your podcast.

About The Power of Music Thinking

Creative Companion, Management Consultant, Service Designer and Musicologist/Musician Christof Zürn takes you inside the minds of some of the world’s most exciting people ‘AND Musicians’. Professionals that in some or other way use music, musical principles, instruments and techniques to work meaningful together.
Or in short, the podcast for People with a musical heart and a wicked job.

From deep listening, to developing a creative mindset for innovation, using instruments to better connect with each other and letting people see the big picture, one thing is for sure: you will hear and see patterns in your personal or business life and think from different perspectives at the same time.

The Power of Music Thinking

In the first episodes of the new podcast, you can expect insights about the music thinking framework, conversations with Roy Scheerder Co-founder of the dutch cooperative FaebricR. Michael Hendrix Partner & Global Design Director at design and innovation company IDEOPanos A. Panay Senior Vice President for Global Strategy & Innovation at Berklee College of Music and Steve Keller Sonic Strategy Director at leading music and podcast discovery platform Pandora.

Podcast Episode 19: Music Thinking – Christof Zürn zu Gast bei Niels Benson

THINK TWICE! Der Podcast über Innovation, Werte und Wandel von und mit Niels Benson & Friends.

Free Jazz, Punk oder Klassik? Solo oder Orchester? Musik als Analogie für das Miteinander in Teams oder auch für abgestimmte Prozesse in Unternehmen? Dazu hat Christof Zürn ein Denk- und Arbeitsmodell namens „Music Thinking“ entwickelt.

Music Thinking ist eine kreative Einladung, anders zu denken und sich inspirieren zu lassen, in sinnvollen Kooperationen über Silos hinweg zu arbeiten. Music Thinking verbindet agile Methoden mit Service Design Thinking und Branding mit organisatorischem Wandel, welches sich am Design Thinking oder auch an Service Design anlehnt.

Christof und Niels haben ihren Takt und Rhythmus schnell gefunden und vertiefen sich einer sehr guten Stunde in einen launigen Dialog über Listen, Tune, Play & Perform. Hier geht’s zum Podcast

Lockdown Economy Talk with Christof Zürn

In this interview, we meet Christof Zürn, the founder of Creative Companion, a business that helps organizations use creative thinking to create sustainable business innovation. The COVID-19 pandemic has made flexibility one of the most important resources in any business, as companies have been forced to alter their strategy and switch-up their goals. Christof spoke about the importance of creative thinking in ensuring that businesses can stay on top of developments in their sector and described how his methodology, ‘Music Thinking’, can help companies connect their different priorities and develop better, more sustainable business designs.

Christof was forced to utilise flexibility himself by moving his consultancies online and experimenting with new platforms. When business began to slow down for Creative Companion due to the pandemic Christof used this quiet period to develop and strengthen his ‘Music Thinking’ methodology and to network with other members of his sector to develop new concepts aimed to help boost business creativity and connectedness. Christof’s key message was one of progression. He emphasised that although the pandemic has encouraged everyone to wish for things to return to how they were before, Christof believes businesses will gain more value from building on this experience and progressing with it. To do this, creative thinking is fundamental.

What 3 things does the guest need help with? Christof would like help in finding companies who are open to making a fundamental change in their business thinking. He is also looking for a publisher for his book regarding ‘Music Thinking’. Please support the Lockdown Economy with your donation on our GoFundMe page…​ In the Lockdown Economy interviews, small business owners and self-employed professionals share their insights, challenges and successes during the COVID-19 global pandemic to inspire, motivate and encourage other entrepreneurs around the world.

About the Guest As ‘Creative Companion’ Christof is accompanying individuals, teams and organisations to make the step from iteration to innovation to transformation. He does this with decades of experience in branding, digitalisation, service design, design thinking and developed a fresh methodology he calls ‘Music Thinking’. “Website:

Send Christof a message with why you want to connect on LinkedIn:…

About the Host Rosie Allison is a master student of Media and the Creative Industries at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She aspires to work in the creative industries in the sphere of communications, using her interpersonal abilities to help drive innovation in the workplace. #lockdowneconomy_local#SDGAction36773#entrepreneurship#restart#SDGs#lockdowneconomy#creativity#creativethinking#designthinking#musicthinking


Podcast Interview on Creativity, Music Thinking and Generation Co

Design with Music Thinking, Episode 57: in the latest episode, Mark Stinson is talking with Christof Zürn about how music can boost creativity, some inside stories, and music thinking and the jam cards in action.

Improvisation in Business

improvisation in business

On the Music Thinking website there is a new post about Improvisation in Business:

Many people say that our times are volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – some people call it the VUCA times. When making plans they try to execute them until reality comes into play. As a result, they try to quick fix everything as long as possible. Some people call this improvisation. But improvisation is much more than just a repair mode. Improvisation can also be the start of the creative or change process to design for the VUCA times.

The blog post describes different improvisation practices, the improvisation in business course of the University In Krems and how Improvisation is connected with the Music Thinking Framework and how to use it in business.

read further on

Music Thinking Blog

Today we launched the Music Thinking blog on 

Now is the time for a blog about music thinking.  Since the new music thinking website went online, there is a lot to share, and so we decided to start a blog about everything music thinking. We will share updates about workshops, programmes, new templates, tips and tricks and you can read all the 38 stories from ‘Behind the Cards’ – the background thoughts about every inspiration card of the Music Thinking Jam Cards.


Visit the Music Thinking Blog

World Saxophone Congress video

For the third time in a row, I attended the World Saxophone Congress. After St. Andrews (Scottland) and Strassbourg (France), the triannual congress was held in Zagreb (Croatia). With Raum-Musik für Saxophone we played two concerts. Here the two videos with thanks to James E Cunningham for the videos.

Grič Tunnel, Zagreb

French Pavillion, Zagreb