Category Archives: Inspiration

Playing sax and wobbly sculptures

This is the full performance of playing sax and the wobbly sculptures of @axelkreiser (thank you Olli for the video). This was a spontaneous, unplanned interaction when I played the exhibition’s opening.

It felt like the sculptures played the sax and the sax playing with the sculptures.
It was like Listening, Tuning, Playing and Performing at the same time (which is actually the music thinking mantra).

if you like the T-shirt with the music thinking mantra:

you can find the T-shirt and more here!

Your playlist for the summer break

Sounds good! 

It’s July, and half of the year is already over. If I could sum up these 6 months in two words, it would be: sounds good.

The journey started with being a guest in several podcasts talking about music thinking, the music thinking framework, the jam cards, creativity, service design, organisational change and branding. And this led to starting a Podcast of my own, The Power of Music Thinking.
I met and spoke with many beautiful minds, experts in their field AND musicians in one or another way. There was a recurring pattern with nearly all of the talks: after we stopped the recording, the conversation went on. It feels like a community of like-minded people, and I feel honoured about this; thank you.

Hier are the links to the conversations on one page to make your summer break inspiring and sound. Direct smartlink to the podcast service of your choice: 

The Power of Music Thinking – Podcast

Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stark, teacher and researcher specialised in organisational and community psychology 

Blend sound science with sound art to make sound decisions with Steven Keller

A mindset for entrepreneurship, leadership and design with Michael Hendrix from IDEO and Panos Panay from Berklee College of Music

Music as a Catalyst for Change with Nifemi Aluko, Founder and CEO of kpakpakpa and author of the book Press Play

Blockchain Philosophy and Collaborative Transformation for Change with Roy Scheerder from Faebric

Deep Listening® with Sharon Stewart, creator of sound works, musician, poet, researcher, piano teacher and deep listener.  

Music and the Brain with Artur Jaschke

Expect conversations in the next weeks, will be published bi-weekly on Wednesday:

  • Cross-pollination in leadership with Ilkka Mäkitalo from howspace
  • The Thrills of business with Padraic McMahon, Hubspot, Ex-Google, LinkedIn

Music Thinking Christof – As a guest speaker

Unlocking Your World of Creativity with Mark Stinson

Human-Centred Design With Geryy Scullion

Think Twice! Innovation, Wette und Wandel with Niels Benson

One more thing

If you have a business challenge that needs different perspectives at the same time to solve, please reach out.

I would love to help you to listen, tune, play and perform. Just connect and tell me your challenge

Lockdown Economy Talk with Christof Zürn

In this interview, we meet Christof Zürn, the founder of Creative Companion, a business that helps organizations use creative thinking to create sustainable business innovation. The COVID-19 pandemic has made flexibility one of the most important resources in any business, as companies have been forced to alter their strategy and switch-up their goals. Christof spoke about the importance of creative thinking in ensuring that businesses can stay on top of developments in their sector and described how his methodology, ‘Music Thinking’, can help companies connect their different priorities and develop better, more sustainable business designs.

Christof was forced to utilise flexibility himself by moving his consultancies online and experimenting with new platforms. When business began to slow down for Creative Companion due to the pandemic Christof used this quiet period to develop and strengthen his ‘Music Thinking’ methodology and to network with other members of his sector to develop new concepts aimed to help boost business creativity and connectedness. Christof’s key message was one of progression. He emphasised that although the pandemic has encouraged everyone to wish for things to return to how they were before, Christof believes businesses will gain more value from building on this experience and progressing with it. To do this, creative thinking is fundamental.

What 3 things does the guest need help with? Christof would like help in finding companies who are open to making a fundamental change in their business thinking. He is also looking for a publisher for his book regarding ‘Music Thinking’. Please support the Lockdown Economy with your donation on our GoFundMe page…​ In the Lockdown Economy interviews, small business owners and self-employed professionals share their insights, challenges and successes during the COVID-19 global pandemic to inspire, motivate and encourage other entrepreneurs around the world.

About the Guest As ‘Creative Companion’ Christof is accompanying individuals, teams and organisations to make the step from iteration to innovation to transformation. He does this with decades of experience in branding, digitalisation, service design, design thinking and developed a fresh methodology he calls ‘Music Thinking’. “Website:

Send Christof a message with why you want to connect on LinkedIn:…

About the Host Rosie Allison is a master student of Media and the Creative Industries at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She aspires to work in the creative industries in the sphere of communications, using her interpersonal abilities to help drive innovation in the workplace. #lockdowneconomy_local#SDGAction36773#entrepreneurship#restart#SDGs#lockdowneconomy#creativity#creativethinking#designthinking#musicthinking


What is Music Thinking Presentation

Music Thinking is a creative invitation to think from diverse perspectives at the same time and to get inspired to work in meaningful collaborations above silos. It supports you to integrate Agile methodologies, Design Thinking and Service Design with Branding and Organisational Change. See the short presentation and find out about the four phases, the six cues, the dynamic diamond and the dynamics.

How to explain it to a colleague?

Music thinking is a systemic approach to change based on patterns and principles in music.

What problem can it solve?

You can use it for innovation and business impact in complex and changing environments.

What are the benefits?

Imagine the possibilities to unlocking the co-creative potential of agile teams and organisations.

Presentation about Music Thinking

More about Music Thinking

see more about Music Thinking, the Music Thinking Framework on

Dutch Design Week 2020

Medinge Think Tank for the first time on Dutch Design Week.

Medinge Group – a global Think Tank on BrandingMedinge is a not-for-profit Think Tank on branding. A collective of brand academics, guardians and visionaries from around the world whose purpose is to influence business to become more humane and conscious in order to help humanity progress and prosper.

We stand for Brands with a Conscience. A brand with a conscience build sustainable thinking into the core of what it does and always tries to act responsible. To the benefit of all stakeholders, including the Planet.

Medinge virtual 3D room at DDW

Watch the virtual 3D room during dutch design week

more about Medinge Think Tank:

Improvisation in Business

improvisation in business

On the Music Thinking website there is a new post about Improvisation in Business:

Many people say that our times are volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – some people call it the VUCA times. When making plans they try to execute them until reality comes into play. As a result, they try to quick fix everything as long as possible. Some people call this improvisation. But improvisation is much more than just a repair mode. Improvisation can also be the start of the creative or change process to design for the VUCA times.

The blog post describes different improvisation practices, the improvisation in business course of the University In Krems and how Improvisation is connected with the Music Thinking Framework and how to use it in business.

read further on

Poetry Exchange

End of the year I got an e-mail with the following text:

Dear friends,
We’re starting a collective, constructive, and hopefully uplifting
It’s a one-time thing and we hope you will participate. We have picked
those we think would be willing and make it fun.
Please send a poem to the person whose name is in position 1 below (even
if you don’t know them).
It should be a favorite text/verse/meditation that has affected you in
difficult times. Don’t agonize over it.

I am really not a fan of mails like this and some people reminded me that this is just a chain letter. However I did not agonize over it 🙂

Here are the poems, quotes, text, or whatever I could collect so far. They are in four different languages sent by people I know and some total strangers. In any case an interesting read!

Our Deepest Fear (by Marianne Williamson)

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us;
It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

‘True Belonging’ a quote by Brene Brown

(from the book: Braving the Wilderness)

“True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing
in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can
share your most authentic self with the world and
find sacredness in both being a part of something
and standing alone in the wilderness.

True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you
are. It requires you to be who you are”.

Please Come Home (by Jane Hooper)

Please come home. Please come home.
Find the place where your feet know to walk
And follow your own trail home.

Please come home. Please come into your own body,
Your own vessel, your own earth.
Please come home into each and every cell
And fully into the space that surrounds you.

Please come home. Please come home to trusting yourself,
and your instincts and your ways and your knowings,
And even the particular quirks of your personality.

Please come home.
Please come home and once you are firmly there,
please stay home awhile and come to deep rest within.
Please treasure your home. Please love and embrace your home.
Please get a deep, deep sense of what it’s like to be truly home.

Please come home.
Please come home and when you’re really, really ready,
And there’s a detectable urge on the outbreath, then please come out.
Please come home and please come forward.
Please express who you are to us, and please trust us
To see you and hear you and touch you
and recognize you as best we can.

Please come home. Please come home and let us know
all the nooks and crannies that are calling to be seen.
Please come home, and let us know the More
that is there that wants to come out.

Please come home. Please come home,
and when you feel yourself home, please welcome us too.
for we too forget that we belong and are welcome,
and that we are called to express and fully and be who we are.

Please come home. Please come home,
you and you and you and me.

Thank you Earth for welcoming us,
and thank you touch of eyes and ears and skin,
touch of love for welcoming us.

May we wake up and remember who we truly are.

Please come home. Please come home. Please come home.

Das verlorene Paradies (by John Milton)

Doch wen, zunächst, wen senden wir dorthin,
Um diese neue Welt zu suchen, wer
Soll würdig unter uns befunden werden?
Wer soll den bodenlosen, unermess’nen
Und finstern Abgrund zu bewandern wagen
Und einen unbekannten Weg sich bahnen
Durch das massive Dunkel, oder wer,
Auf luftigen Schwingen durch die leeren Schründe
Im Fluge unermüdlich fort sich tragend,
Auf der glückseligen Insel schließlich landen?

Demain dès l’aube (by Victor Hugo)

Demain, dès l’aube, à l’heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m’attends.
J’irai par la forêt, j’irai par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.

Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,
Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,
Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.

Je ne regarderai ni l’or du soir qui tombe,
Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et, quand j’arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.

‘Style’ (by Charles Bukowski)

“Style is the answer to everything.
A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing
To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it
To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art

Bullfighting can be an art
Boxing can be an art
Loving can be an art
Opening a can of sardines can be an art

Not many have style
Not many can keep style
I have seen dogs with more style than men,
although not many dogs have style.
Cats have it with abundance.

When Hemingway put his brains to the wall with a shotgun,
that was style.
Or sometimes people give you style
Joan of Arc had style
John the Baptist
García Lorca.

I have met men in jail with style.
I have met more men in jail with style than men out of jail.
Style is the difference, a way of doing, a way of being done.
Six herons standing quietly in a pool of water,
or you, naked, walking out of the bathroom without seeing me.”

Music Thinking Blog

Today we launched the Music Thinking blog on 

Now is the time for a blog about music thinking.  Since the new music thinking website went online, there is a lot to share, and so we decided to start a blog about everything music thinking. We will share updates about workshops, programmes, new templates, tips and tricks and you can read all the 38 stories from ‘Behind the Cards’ – the background thoughts about every inspiration card of the Music Thinking Jam Cards.


Visit the Music Thinking Blog