Music Thinking Story

How it all began.

Music Thinking #musicthinking

I made this picture on a flea market in Krasnodar 2009, when I was in Russia with Raum-Musik für Saxophone for some concerts. It was one of many snapshots I have taken. Later, when I flipped through all my pictures, this one kept my attention. I was intrigued by the number of tools, instruments, spare parts and the composition of this ‘exhibition’. The most surprising part of it is the pile of records in the left upper corner of the picture. What has a vinyl record to do with tools and parts?

And then I got an Epiphany: Music in its totality is so rich and has so many tools, instruments, styles and inspirations that can be of use for business or other challenges.

This was the start of thinking how I could use music in other areas and eventually this was the start and beginning of Music Thinking!

Christof Zürn

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