Tag Archives: infographics

Infographic about Music and Technology

Starting the timeline of modern musical engineering with the invention of the simple alligator clip around the turn of the 20th century, but things really took off afterwards.

By 1931, a commercial electric guitar was on the market. By 1957, wireless microphones were first available. The 1960s saw the birth of synthesizers, and a true beginning of computer modulated music in the mainstream. Even the advent of the CD, which in turn led to digital music tracks, falls squarely on the shoulder of musical engineers.

Here is a nice infographic about technology and innovation with music as an example created by the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Online Masters in Electrical Engineering program.


It’s important to realize the role that sound engineers played in the development of music. There’s always been a battle between innovation and tradition, but the result of those conflicts has always made music a bit better. Whether it’s as huge as developing a new power source or as small as developing a device that changes the pitch of a note slightly, the work of sound engineers has defined music for decades. The only thing known for sure about the future is that musical engineers will continue to play a dominant role in defining how music sounds. More on this, see the original blog post.


Google is using music thinking to promote YouTube with insights and infographics | #EDM #MusicThinking

EDM electronic dance music the-biggest-music-genre-youve-never-heard-of_infographics_lg

Think with Google the research and insights portal of Google posted a new article using music (in this case EDM electronic dans music) to show their compelling data and drive brands to YouTube to connect with their audience. They do this with a very nice infographic in the form of a decision tree.

The Biggest Music Genre You’ve Never Heard Of

How much do you know about EDM, or electronic dance music? Whether it’s a lot, a little or none at all, you’ll want to tune in to this profile of EDM fans. What you see might just surprise you: For example, while millennials under 25 view the most EDM content on YouTube, older audiences are becoming increasingly interested as well. And it turns out that EDM fans are more likely than their peers to be online, engaging in tech-savvy behaviors such as buying music online or following a brand on a social network. See how fans are increasingly turning to YouTube to learn more about music genres such as EDM and the opportunities this creates for brands.


Download PDF: EDM electronic dance music

This is a nice example of Music Thinking

Hello World! Documentary about creative coding and the processing software

I am a big fan of Processing and Generative Design and yes learning the software would be on top of my bucket list – if I would have one. The software is free to download and you can use it right away via processing.org – there are  a lot of tutorials and examples on the site. There is a new documentary that could be a perfect intro into the theme of processing.

Hello World! Processing is a very nice documentary on creative coding with a lot of examples that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation and algorithm play in this creative field featuring artists, designers and code enthusiasts.

If you like the video, you may also like this book: Generative Design.


The website completes the book Generative Design. It offers direct access to all processingsource code for the software described in the book. Very nice!