Tag Archives: maria callas

10 Quotes from the big world of music – Music Thinking Quotes Vol. 1

For quite some time I am collecting quotes that have a connection with what I call Music Thinking (more about Music Thinking click here). At the same time I am working on a more systematic way to collect and combine music thinking principles. I am working now with 6 principles of music thinking: agility, empathy, personality, jammin’, score and remix. More about that in a later post.

Here are 10 quotes of more or less famous people with a music thinking connection. Hope you like it.

Dance first. Think later.  It's the natural order. One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz. If you aren't making a mistake, it's a mistake. I HAVEN’T UNDERSTOOD A BAR OF MUSIC IN MY LIFE, BUT I HAVE FELT IT. THE WORDS ARE THE IMPORTANT THING. DON’T WORRY ABOUT TUNES. TAKE A TUNE, SING HIGH WHEN THEY SING LOW, SING FAST WHEN THEY SING SLOW, AND YOU’VE GOT A NEW TUNE. ONE GOOD THING ABOUT MUSIC, WHEN IT HITS YOU, YOU FEEL NO PAIN. Songs are pretty easy. They are small, they are modular, they are about as big as a bagel. I prepare myself for rehearsals like I would for marriage. The best guide, in launching a new design project, is sometimes just to choose the right partner, clear the dancefloor, and trust our intuition. There is joy in repetition.



You can also find the presentation on SlideShare (download enabled).